GPT Training

Empower Your Team With Next Generation AI Training.

Enable your team to harness the full potential of artificial intelligence through hands-on workshops, customized curriculum, and expert-led sessions. Stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of AI by unlocking the power of ChatGPT technology.

Next Generation ai tRAINING

First of Its Kind Course

This training is first of its kind, combining generative AI and job specific use cases.

Tailored Learning

Benefit from a personalized curriculum designed to meet your company's specific requirements. Our training covers GPT technology comprehensively, combining theoretical understanding with practical exercises for immediate application. Our session can be tailored to your company.

Practical Focus

Move beyond theory to hands-on experience for your industry. Our training emphasizes real-world applications, guiding your team through case studies. This approach ensures that participants grasp how to effectively apply GPT models to address tangible business challenges.

Expert Guidance

Learn from industry leaders in our expert-led sessions. Gain insights, best practices, and real-world experiences that accelerate your team's proficiency in GPT technology. Your team can engage in discussions and Q&A sessions with our experts to get a deeper understanding of GPT.


Core ChatGPT & AI Business Skills For Your Team

Empower your team with next generation of GPT technology with in person or remote sessions, covering the basics needed to use GPT effectively in your business.

01. Fundamentals of AI & Large Language Models (LLMs).02. Understanding of How ChatGPT works.03. Ability to Apply Chat GPT To Use Specific Use Cases and Working Enviorments.04. Foundational Habits for Working With AI.

+ Tailored Learning

Customized training can be created and delivered, suited to your business and work environment.

  • ChatGPT for Sales Enablement

  • ChatGPT for Market Research

  • ChatGPT for Automation

  • ChatGPT for Project Management

  • ChatGPT for Customer Service

  • ChatGPT for Legal


Just Some of The Industries We Work With

ChatGPT and AI can be applied to almost any industry and business, here is just a few we work with:

Real Estate

Customer Service




be ai ready

Why AI Training Essential

"Innovate or die." as the saying goes. It might be a bit dramatic but it is necessary to understand that if your competition is using AI in their work it will be hard to keep up.

77% of Businesess are exploring the use of AI.

The revolution of AI can only be compared to that of the Internet. As businesses adopt this technology it will be essential to keep up.

Reduce errors by up to 90%.

Studies have shown that using a combination of Automation and AI can reduce mistakes in daily repetitive work by over 90%.

Get It done Faster

Emails, Messages, SOPs, Outlines and much more can be created in a mere minutes, leaving the team to focus on the real work.


Choose from Our Packages

Each package has a number of slots, once they are sold for a training period, we will not be accepting new applicants.



- Technical Overview of ChatGPT and AI- Crafting Prompts for High Quality Results- Basic Use Cases & Practice Exercises- Job Specific Uses- Foundational Habits for Working With A.I.Session delivered virtually to your team.

6 Spots Left



- Technical Overview of ChatGPT and AI- Crafting Prompts for High Quality Results- Basic Use Cases & Practice Exercises- Job Specific Uses- Foundational Habits for Working With A.I.In-person session delivered on-site live for your team.

4 Spots Left

If you are still unsure, book a call with our team and we will be happy to answer any questions.

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Created In Dublin.